Tuesday 22 November 2016


Writing a first blog post is pretty daunting. It really sets a precident for the overall tone and theme, and frankly, I'm not sure what theme or tone I want this blog to portray.
Let me just start simply, introducing myself a little.
My name is Olivia, but I also go by Olive, Liv, OJ ect ect... I am vegan, obsessed with Stevie Nicks and curently in my final year of university studing marketing. I also read a lot. Lots of blogs, books, poems and more. When ever I'm struggling to write, think of ideas for a university project or just lacking inspiration, I will read. And well, this is why I'm starting this blog. Partly as a creative outlet, and partly to inspire myself.
This isn't my first attempt at blogging. I've actually tried to start quite a few over the past 5/6 years but always gave up. I struggled to find the motivation to carry on with them; mainly because I felt I was always forcing the writing out, and trying to be someone I wasn't.
Now, I havent really figured out what I'm going to write about, and don't really know if anyone will read this or find it of any interest, but I am certain that I want this space to be a representation of myself, my beliefs and my personality.

So, with all that being said - I welcome you with open arms to my little corner of the web.

Love, Olive